Sunday, July 28, 2013

Back! Closet Necessities...

Hello! I apologize for the long hiatus but the last 3 weeks have been very busy! Spent some time with my wife's family, with my family, building furniture and between three states and two countries. To say the least taking WDIW pictures and updating the blog wasn't necessarily a priority. At one point I spent my day in a gray t-shirt and black shorts building furniture so not much of a WDIW post.

Any how, now back in NY and trying to get back into the swing of things. One of the first things I wanted to do once I came back home was to organize the closet a bit better. Closet necessities as I like to call it, one of those being wooden hangers. My wife and I have a decent array of blazers but with only a few proper hangers for them. I'll keep it simple you don't need to buy a $15-20 hanger for each jacket. Make sure that whatever wooden hanger you do purchase are wide and sturdy so that they keep your shoulders on your jacket as natural as possible to your shoulders. Plastic hangers simply do not fall into this category.

I headed to Ikea and bought their pack of 8 for $3.99, bought 2 sets, which 16 wooden hangers for $8 was not bad at all. Don't get me wrong these don't compare to my hangers from Michael Andrews Bespoke which have a bulbous end.

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