Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm Back!...Michael Andrews Bespoke Sample Sale!

It's been a while since I've posted regularly, been away on vacation and just getting back and trying to get everything back into place. You will definitely see more of me from here on out and will continue to try and update this blog daily.

So on a whim I stopped by the sample sale that ended today at Michael Andrew's Bespoke. Mind you I went during the last hour so not much was left just a few things. The prices were great! Ties for $10, Hand-rolled pocket squares for $5, etc. I got really really lucky and found two pairs of pants; Bespoke pants for an AMAZING price.

The 2 pants were pants that someone had put an order in for, paid their 50% deposit and then never paid the last half and as a result never picked them up. Once a year passes they are a go for the sample sale. I paid $20 for each pant; if I had them Bespoken specifically for me, they'd be about $500-600 each. All they need is to be hemmed and tapered a little bit. For $40 for pants that would have ran me $1000-1200 I can't complain. The tie, $10, I think it sold for $50 originally. In all I paid $50 for over $1000 worth of stuff if I had ordered it myself.

I am considering getting the jackets made if the fabric is still available especially on the blue one.

Tie: MAB by Dan Trepanier

Pants: Navy-ish MAB

Pants: Gray with White Stripe by MAB

Quick Note: The pants definitely were made for someone else. You can tell that the place where the tag "Bespoken For" goes has been removed.

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